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The first weeks

The first few weeks have flown by! I have mainly been busy with support tasks at Heidebeek. I really enjoy it but also notice that I still have to get used to many things. Fortunately, I have been able to make my room my own.

In 1 of the first weeks I was also allowed to join a day trip to Luxenbourg, we mainly went here to discover the country. Luxenbourg is one of the countries where Heidebeek is sending a team of staff on a mission trip this year.

Here are some pictures of my room and the trip to Luxenbourg.

April DTS

the 5th of April the DTS I will be staffing will begin. So far we have 6 students including 1 family. I am looking forward to walking with the students and seeing all that God is going to do in their lives. Right now I am in the middle of staff training, which means we are getting input on different topics and we are preparing everything for when the students arrive.
In 2021 I did the April DTS myself and I got the chance to tell my testimony. see the video next to this story.

Start DTS


Thanks for reading this newsletter!

Blessings Gertjan.

sharing life and discovering together who we are in Christ!

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