About Me
I am Gertjan Huige born on 27-04-1997. I come from a family of 5 of which I am the youngest. I grew up in Nieuwerkerk, a small village in the province of Zeeland. In 2019, I came to faith and from then my journey together with God began. In the summer of 2020,
participated in a mini discipleship training school (DTS) at YWAM Heidebeek. This is a 2-week course where different topics from a DTS are covered which serves also as an opportunity to get better acquainted with a DTS. During these 2 weeks someone came to me with a vision.
The image he saw was as follows: there was a boat in the bay of the ocean, it was on its way to the open water, but was not moving forward because the anchor had been dropped. I asked God what the anchor is that is stopping me from going to the full ocean? In response I heard God say “it’s everything that gives you comfort right now,” I knew very clearly what this meant. After all, I had just moved back on my own and had a good job. Want to know more about how this continues and how it led me to now work with youth with a mission?
Look under the heading: mission and vision